Check CBSE Supplementary Results 2024: Class 10, 12 Re-valuation, Marks Verification Process!

CBSE supplementary results have already announced! The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has announced the schedule for marks verification, re-valuation, and scanned copies of answer sheets for Class 10 and 12 CBSE supplementary exams 2024. If you are dissatisfied with your result then you can apply re-checking. However, there are important dates to note down.
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Class 10, 12 CBSE Supplementary Results Important Dates
- Class 12 marks verification: August 7 (11:59 pm)
- Class 10 marks verification: August 9-10 (11:59 pm)
- Scanned copy of evaluated answer sheet: August 16 (midnight 11:59 pm) for Class 10 and August 13 (11:59 pm) for Class 12
- Revaluation of answers: August 20 (midnight 11:59 pm) for Class 10 and August 17 (11:59 pm) for Class 12
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Fees and Process
- ₹500 per subject for marks verification and scanned copy of evaluated answer sheet
- ₹100 per question for revaluation of answers
- Only online applications will be accepted, with a single application per candidate for each step
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Note: Wheteher there is increment or decrement in the previous score after re-checking, students must surrender their mark sheets, and new ones will be issued. Even your one mark can effect the whole score.
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