Monkeypox Alert! Spreading Globally- Symptoms, Spread, and Prevention!

Be aware! A new virus is spreading! The pox virus, also known as monkeypox, is a viral infection that can spread between people through close contact and occasionally from the environment to people via contaminated surfaces.
Symptoms of Monkeypox:
- Rash or blisters that may last for 2-4 weeks
- Fever
- Headache
- Muscle aches
- Back pain
- Low energy
- Swollen glands (lymph nodes)
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How MPOX Spreads:
- Person-to-person through close contact, including
- Skin-to-skin contact
- Mouth-to-mouth contact
- Face-to-face contact
- Contaminated clothing, bedding, towels, objects, and surfaces
Who is at Risk of Getting MPOX?
- Anyone who has close contact with someone who has mpox
- People who have contact with contaminated surfaces or objects
Prevention of Monkeypox
- Avoid close contact with anyone who has mpox
- Clean your hands frequently with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub
- If you think you might have mpox, seek medical advice and isolate from others until evaluated and tested
- If you have mpox, isolate yourself until all lesions have crusted over and a new layer of skin has formed underneath
- WHO recommends MVA-BN or LC16 vaccines, or the ACAM2000 vaccine when others are not available
- Only people at risk should be considered for vaccination, such as close contacts or those at high risk of exposure
- Vaccines provide a level of protection against infection and severe disease but continue to take precautions after vaccination
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Treatment for Monkeypox
- Antiviral medications like tecovirimat may be used to treat mpox
- Experience with these therapeutics is growing, but still limited
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